The Science Behind the pH of Distilled Water

 pH of Distilled Water

The Science Behind the pH of Distilled Water

Posted on the 12th of Jul 2023 by Westlab

pH stands for the ‘potential of hydrogen.’ It tells the concentration of hydrogen ions in any. liquid or solutions. The most exciting point for scientists is finding out the pH of distilled water. They still ponder how it can be neutral while other liquids or solutions are acidic or alkaline.

The pH scale, an important component of science that calculate the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution, holds significant importance in fields ranging from environmental science to medicine. The scale ranges from 0, representing a highly acidic substance, to 14, symbolizing a highly alkaline or basic substance. At the center of the scale, at 7, we have the mark of neutrality - neither acidic nor basic.

Natural water has a ph level of 6.9 to 7.5, which is slightly alkaline. It becomes distilled after boiling, making it pure H2O without contamination. It's highly volatile and fragile. As soon as it has contact with air or carbon dioxide, it becomes acidic with a pH of 5.8. 

Why is the pH of Distilled Water helpful?

This water holds the perfect di water pH in the world. This information is necessary for practical applications. The following are the essential functions that can be performed with distilled water

  1. Since distillation removes impurities, hence, distilled water provides a consistent baseline, which is beneficial in scientific experiments or industrial applications where consistency is top notch priority. .
  2. For biological experiments involving cells or microorganisms, using distilled water can prevent unwanted reactions or growths that could occur due to the presence of impurities.
  3. In addition, distilled water has the closest pH to human blood. This is the reason doctors put distilled water in IVs and life-saving injections for various diseases. Distilled water is used to prepare solutions and dilutions, where the presence of ions or other substances may affect the molarity or normality of the solution.
  4. In automotive applications, mild acidity could contribute to corrosion.
  5. While drinking distilled water is not harmful to nutrition and health, it lacks beneficial minerals in natural sources.
  6. It also helps in the testing of the cosmetics and fragrance industry. It has no impurities, providing the best platform to test different ingredients. 

pH of different waters

Bottled drinking still water had a pH between 6.9 and 7.5 while sparkling had a pH between 4.9 and 5.5. Water derived from home water filters had an approximate pH of 7.5, while seawater had a pH of 8. Normal saline and distilled water had a pH of 5.4. Facial mineral water had a pH between 7.5 and 8, while facial makeup-removing water had an acidic pH.

Experts and scientists say it is healthy to drink more alkaline water than acidic water. The water with a pH of 8.5 contains nutrients and minerals. It is best for IBS, heartburn, and acid reflux patients and is beneficial for drinking. According to little research, alkaline water testing meters also help to treat cancer.

To check the pH, litmus paper is available. The paper strips tell the number of hydrogen atoms by color. The more acidic it illuminates the red color while showing green with the increased hydrogen atoms in the liquid. If liquid has more alkaline properties, litmus paper will be inclined towards blue. These meters help scientists determine the pros and cons. In the world of lab and science, distilled water holds a lot of importance. pH of distilled water is neutral on litmus paper that is 6.9 or perfect 7. The perfection in its pH is a point to ponder as how only one element lies on the ideal pH in the world. 

How to Maintain the pH of deionized water

Since distilled water can change its properties immediately, scientists have to make ways to keep it in pure shape for longer. Here are a few steps that can be taken to increase the life of distilled water. 

  1. Keep the distilled water in a tightly sealed container. It will keep the water pH to 7 for a long time.
  2. Maintain the pH of distilled water by keeping it in small containers rather than big bottles. It will stop external factors from entering the water and contaminating it.
  3. Use the water as per need only. Distilled water should not be mixed with natural surroundings more often.
  4. It shouldn't be used in a crowded lab. The more people, the more carbon dioxide will be in the room. So remember these points before disturbing the water pH meter anywhere. 

In conclusion, the pH of distilled water holds a lot of importance in the lab world. Thus, while distilled water begins its journey as a neutral unit, its interaction with the world injects a touch of acidity, painting a richer, more refined picture of this vital liquid's properties. Westlab Canada is the most prominent scientific equipment supplier in the region. You can access any lab equipment via the official website of the lab conveniently. 


2023-07-12 12:22:00
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