The Dangers of Fraudulent Products
Frequent collaboration with personnel of the health sector in procurement and supply positions is revealing a wide concern for fraudulent products, particularly from developing nations in the Asian region.
Frequent collaboration with personnel of the health sector in procurement and supply positions is revealing a wide concern for fraudulent products, particularly from developing nations in the Asian region.
As the world is being forced to adapt to the continuing threat of the COVID-19 virus and subsequent economic problems that it brings with it, supply chains have their own unique challenges to deal with while being more visible than ever.
In March 2020 the Westlab team worked through numerous designs and clinical trials to develop and manufacture a locally made face shield that could be produced in high volumes to meet the market demands.
The one thing you have probably wished for at one point in your career is that the lab was just that little bit different in terms of design. ‘I wish we put that cabinet over there.
With the evolution of education etc., teamwork and ‘see and be seen’ working cultures are on the rise.